DON2 2nd Week Collections @ 141 Crores!!

Here is the update on collections of Shahrukh Khan's recent Super hit movie 'Don 2'. The film collected a Net of Rs 141 crore at box-office in just 2 weeks. This is the new record in Bollywood history. Here are the detailed Box-Office reports.
Don 2 First Two Weeks Collections Update : Box Office Report Till Now
Business Statistics:
Budget: Rs 75 crore
Cost to Reliance Entertainment(Distributor): 105 Crore (Includes acquisition cost + 3D conversion cost + prints and advertising expenses)
Music Right (Hindi) : Rs 10 Crore
Satellite Rights (Hindi) : Rs 36 Crore
Here are the details of day wise Nett Collections
Total First Week Nett Collections: Rs 98 Crore 
Total Second Week Nett Collections: Rs 43 Crore 
Total First 2 Weeks World Wide Nett Collections: Rs 141 Crores