Businessman @ Why this Kola-worry!

The postponement news of Businessman is not going down well with the fans in particular it seems. A film being postponed after passing through the censors is not a good sign as people start to raise eyebrows over the product. Especially for a most awaited film like Businessman last minute delays are the least wanted.

Although there are some fans that are happy with the fresh release date for obvious reasons, we can't deny the fact that it is sending wrong signals to the public. Analysts feel that it is a cautious move from the makers as they don't want to miss out on the festival weekend advantage due to early release.
This should only be a problem when one has doubts over the end product! Why because a film with sufficient substance should be able to make the most of opening days and also the festive weekend. Why would a film misses out on the opportunity of cashing on the festival time just because it was released a couple of days earlier?
Is Businessman not up to the mark? Does it fear the competition from Bodyguard? Are they solely depending upon the openings to be in safe zone? So many unnecessary questions have popped up when the film is right round the corner to hit the screens!