Race for records @ Big Hero's

The spectacular records in terms of box office collections registered by Oosaravelli has caught every one by surprise.  The 7-day tally of the film has been put approximately at Rs. 50 cr.  What does this go to show?  That the industry is not only in the thick of its health but also there is a clamour for records.
If so, whose clamour would we say it is?  Is it the heroes who want to outdo their so called rivals or the fans of the stars who want to keep the flag of their favourites flying high, who are hankering after records?
A neutral observer would find that it is both the stars and their fans who are crazy about numbers.  It is no body's case that every superstar is mad after breaking records.
The fact of the matter is that there does seem a mad rush to be first in the race.  Some resort to gigantic releases, the others go for short-cuts like mindless violence.  In this scenario, collections don't necessarily mean success.