The Tollywood circuit is abuzz with the mania created by Mahesh Babu and since then, all the young heroes have been coming up with ways and means to get past him. Now, it is heard that Daggubati Rana might well be the first one to get a breakthrough in this aspect.
News is that Rana is likely to beat Mahesh and this is in terms of followers in the social networking site Twitter. Apparently, there are around 2.16 lakh followers for Rana and Mahesh is currently enjoying the following of 3 lakhs. However, it is heard that Rana has made up his mind to get past that figure.
He is confident that this would happen through his new movie ‘Department’. Apparently, this is a nationwide cinema so the hype will grow and off the record news is that he is aiming to cross Mahesh. That way, Twitter sure is becoming a parameter for many of the Tollywood folks to check their popularity scales.
News is that Rana is likely to beat Mahesh and this is in terms of followers in the social networking site Twitter. Apparently, there are around 2.16 lakh followers for Rana and Mahesh is currently enjoying the following of 3 lakhs. However, it is heard that Rana has made up his mind to get past that figure.
He is confident that this would happen through his new movie ‘Department’. Apparently, this is a nationwide cinema so the hype will grow and off the record news is that he is aiming to cross Mahesh. That way, Twitter sure is becoming a parameter for many of the Tollywood folks to check their popularity scales.