Latest speculations in Tollywood reveals that Naga Chaitanya is set to act in a film under the direction of Veeru potla, who has earlier directed films like ‘Bindas' and Ragada D.Shiva Prasad Reddy is going to produce the film under Kamakshi Kala Movies banner.
Currently it is under discussion stage and it would go to sets when the script and other things are concretely ready. Official confirmation and more details of about this movie will be announced soon.
As of now Naga Chaitanya is busy with his mass action entertainer 'Autonagar Surya' under Deva Katta direction. After this film, he is set to act in his next film 'Govravam' under Radha Mohan direction.
Currently it is under discussion stage and it would go to sets when the script and other things are concretely ready. Official confirmation and more details of about this movie will be announced soon.
As of now Naga Chaitanya is busy with his mass action entertainer 'Autonagar Surya' under Deva Katta direction. After this film, he is set to act in his next film 'Govravam' under Radha Mohan direction.