In more than one interview he chose to stay away from speaking much about the number one status,taking the compliment in his stride with his trademark smile. But without budging Prince Mahesh Babu, a smiling assasin as he is sent satires at his other co-stars saying he will concentrate on tollywood to show its power across the world and also naming his costars as his competitors. He even adviced genex heroes not to worry about petty things like records,collections or rankings and do what they are best at like surrendering to director and act accordingly.
The moment one hears the words of records and colletions one feels Prince is sending clear signals to stars like young Mega powerstar Ram Charan and Young Tiger Jr NTR. One still remembers the controversy generated regarding ‘Dookudu’ and ‘Magadheera’ collections and also film makers of ‘Oosaravelli’ boasting about their first day collections. It has to be seen how the other stars react to Prince’s smiling satires as he said in an interview that corporates are zeroing in on him after lot of research to increase salebility of their brands in the process sending clear subtle signals that he is number one and thoroughly enjoying while having dig at other stars.